How to Remove Chocolate, Fake Blood & Other Halloween Carpet Stains in Camp Pendleton South, CA

Halloween can bring its share of carpet spots and stains due to candy, costumes and decorating. As a messy holiday, there are quite a few common carpet stains that can likely happen. To help remove these common Halloween stains, we at Palm Springs Carpet Cleaning would like to share removal tips.

How to Clean Chocolate from Carpet

If necessary, first use a spoon or spatula to carefully scrape the chunks off the surface, after which, use cold water to dampen a clean cloth, and blot. Mix ¼ tsp of mild dish soap and 1 cup of water once the chocolate no longer transfers to cloth. Sponge the solution onto the stain with a fresh cloth dampened with the solution. After 5 minutes or so, use a clean cloth treated with the solution to blot the stain. Rinse the residual substances with a water-damp cloth and use a dry towel to blot the moisture form the fibers.

How to Clean Fake Blood Off Carpet

Absorb the excess liquid with a rag or paper towels. Carefully, dab cold water onto the spot. For more control, work the outer edges of the stain and towards the center. Again, remove excess moisture using a dry cloth/rag or paper towels. Repeat these steps 2-3 times, in the event the water procedure is not effective, moisten a cotton ball with 3% hydrogen-peroxide. Blot the spot and use a dry cotton ball in between to absorb the liquid. Once removed, use a water-damp cloth to rinse the surface clean of residual substances and immediately dry with clean towel.

How to Clean Glow Stick Liquid from Carpet

Immediately blot up as much of the moisture as possible with a paper towel. Be sure to work on the outside and towards the center, to keep the stain from spreading and getting larger. Combing ¼ cup distilled white vinegar, 1 cup of cool water, and 1 teaspoon liquid dishwashing detergent. To work out the stain in the carpet, dip a soft-bristled brush in the solution. Use a water-damp cloth to remove the solution remnants and follow drying with a clean towel.

How to Get Hard Candy Stains Out of Carpet

Use care to remove the hard candy from the carpet, if it is dry, us a paper towel and cool water to lightly moisten the candy to prevent damage to the carpet. Remove the hard candy and any pieces from the carpet. With about ½ tsp of liquid dish soap, lightly dab your fingers in the soap, and gently work the hard candy spot with your fingers. Allow it to set a few moments. Use a water-damp cloth to blot the stain and soap residue from the carpet. With a distilled white vinegar dampened cloth, continue to blot the out any coloring left behind. If the stain is still concentrated, let the vinegar sit for 5-10 minutes and use the cloth to blot the spot. Once the stain is removed, follow up with water-damp cloth blotting to remove the vinegar. Dry with a clean, dry towel.

How to Remove Pumpkin Stains from Carpet

Pumpkin pulp, seeds, or puree as possible needs to scrape off the surface first; be sure to use a blunt edged like a spoon or spatula and scoop it on paper towels to toss out easily. Using a clean washcloth and a blotting motion gently work warm water into the stain. Combine two cups cool water and one tablespoon dishwashing liquid and treat a cloth to blot. Be sure to alternate blotting the carpet with the solution treated cloth and water treated cloth. Dry the area using a dry towel.

Carpet Floor Cleaning, Stain Removal in San Diego, Solana Beach, La Mesa, Mission Valley, La Jolla, Del Mar, Poway, Encinitas, Chula Vista California

Call Steam Magic Carpet Cleaning today if you are having difficulty combating these stains or any others and our friendly technicians will do the rest.

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