If you look around your home and notice black lines on the carpet under doors or along the walls you could be dealing with filtration soiling. Filtration soiling is a layer of soil or dirt that forms from the dirt in the home and a running furnace or heater. That is why these lines normally form in homes that have a colder climate.
Steam Magic Carpet Cleaning Explains What Filtration Soil is & How Best To Treat For These Stains In Your Home.
What is Filtration Soiling: Filtration soiling are the black or grey staining that happens usually under doorways or along the walls of a home or commercial building. The staining is due to the settling of the dirt and debris that is in the air in your home or building. The reason that the soil settles in these areas is not only from the dirt or soil but also from the heating unit in the home. When the air in your home is heated up the air moves up in the home. When the air cools back off it falls lower in the home and down to the floor. One thing about the warm air is that it is attracted to cooler places and surfaces. It will pull towards these areas which happen to be under doorways where the room on the other side is still cooler. It is also the surface of the floor since this would be the coolest spaces in the home. When the air is warm and pulls towards these areas the soil starts to build up and cause the staining. The longer you allow the soil to build up and stay on the carpet the more difficult it will be to remove. The soil is usually an oily mess that can cause some serious problems when cleaning your carpets.
What to Do About Filtration Soil: If you find that you have a problem with this soil buildup, you want to take care of it as soon as possible. The area that these stains are usually found can be very difficult to get to and clean. One area is under the door which can be accessed without trouble but the rest is usually near the edges of the walls that can be much more difficult to treat. The problem with cleaning this type of stain is that it is oily and that is one of the hardest things to remove from carpet. If you start to attempt to clean the filtration soiling on your own, you can end up causing it to spread out and damage more area. The best thing that you can do is to contact a professional carpet cleaner that can come out and treat these areas. We can use our professional grade equipment as well as commercial cleaning solutions that are able to penetrate these soil marks and leave the carpet clean.