Most homes have things that are common from one home to the next. One of the things that you will find in many homes all over the US are pets. People love to have pets in their house and look at them like a full-fledged member of the family. There are lots of pets that people have from your standard dog and cat to many other animals. Some love lizards, snakes, bunnies and fish. Whatever pet you have you know that caring for it is what makes them happy. The other aspect of a pet especially cats and dogs that have free reign over your home is that they can be messy. At times they are not able or willing to get outdoors to use the bathroom and the mess is now on your carpet. Pet stains are a different type of mess because they are twofold. They are a stain as well as a major odor creator and each has to be dealt with. Knowing the best way to do that can keep your home from having an unwanted and unpleasant odor. Steam Magic Carpet Cleaning outlines what you can do to clean after a pet accident.
Remove Pet Stains from Carpet
The most important aspect of cleaning up after your pet that has had an accident is to move quick. You need to make sure you have a plan to clean that way when it occurs you can get to work. One issue is that you do not always see it happening since they often know to hide. When you do see the problem you need to start to clean the mess quickly. You can add some pressure to the area to soak as much of the excess up as you can. Then you need to treat the discoloration with a cleaning solution. You can mix water with your dish soap. Then soak a rag and dab at the area where the pet had an accident. You can repeat the process until the stain has been removed. This will help to make it look as if the carpet is clean.
How to Neutralize Carpet Odors
The second part of the pet stain is the odor that will remain if you do not treat it properly. This is the next step you need to take and you can do that with household items. You want to get baking soda out of your cupboards and layer it over the area. You need to let it sit on the area overnight and let it soak up the moisture as well as the odor with it. Then you can vacuum up the space and remove the baking soda. This is a great way to neutralize the odor that is left when your dog or cat has an accident.
Carpet Cleaning & More in San Diego, Solana Beach, La Mesa, Mission Valley, La Jolla, Del Mar, Poway, Encinitas, Chula Vista California
Now that you have a way to clean up after your pet you want to still pay for professional cleaning. The cleaning service will come out and clean the carpets and treat for any problem areas and work to clean up after your pet. Steam Magic Carpet Cleaning can come out to treat your carpets from pet accidents. Call us today!