The coronavirus is the hot topic around the world and there are many people that are suffering from it in some way. They might be sick and are quarantined which can be scary. They might be in an area that has shut down the operations of many schools and businesses. This means they are out of a job or they have kids home that normally would be out. Even if you have a job and you are okay with kids being home you still have a social distancing rule that keeps people from getting out and enjoying life. With this new pandemic out most people are being much more cautious about germs and what they clean and how they clean it. The coronavirus is not the only concern you should have. You also have flu season that is still in full force as well as allergies that can be causing health concerns as well. There are areas of the house that can be holding germs that you might be overlooking. Steam Magic Carpet Cleaning outlines where germs can be hiding in your home.
Disinfect & Sanitize Your Mattress
One area of the house that you might be overlooking when you are trying to disinfect and clean is the mattress. Most people will take the bedding off and run it through the wash. This is a great way to clean the bedding but does nothing to stop the germs in the mattress. The mattress can hold dust mites, dander, germs and other contaminants, and they can just spread back to the bedding once you have cleaned them and placed them back on the bed. You want to make sure that you schedule to have your mattress professionally cleaned to help to remove germs that might be holding onto the mattress.
Steam Cleaning Carpet
The carpet in your house may be in just about any room. Most people choose to have carpet in bedrooms and some in the living spaces around the house. Carpet is a great addition to any home but you want to make sure you know what can be living on the carpets. They can carry germs that cause viruses and disease for days. They also can be a major source of allergens that are problematic for people that are struggling with allergies and asthma. The carpets can be cleaned professionally to make sure that they are clean and no longer carrying germs.
Need to Clean Sofa Cushions & Upholstery
Where do you go at the end of the day to finally rest and to relax. The most common spot for people to go happens to be the couch. This is after a long day of work or it can be the landing spot if someone is ill and not feeling well. The upholstery on your couches and chairs can be holding germs that can continue to make your family sick. You want to make sure that you have them all cleaned to prevent illness and spread of germs.
Upholstery, Mattress, Carpet Cleaning & More in San Diego, Solana Beach, La Mesa, Mission Valley, La Jolla, Del Mar, Poway, Encinitas, Chula Vista California
Steam Magic Carpet Cleaning can come out to clean the germs off the carpet and upholstery in your home. Call us today!